MAPSA Core Analysis Laboratory
MAPSA Upstream Laboratory Complex is one of the most equipped and unique specialized laboratories in the non-governmental oil industry in the Middle East.
The laboratory has the ability to perform Conventional and Special core analysis tests (RCAL and SCAL), Geomechanic, Formation damage, Acid treatment, EOR, and geological studies. It is also capable of conducting Fluid Analysis Tests (PVT) and all Geochemical tests in cooperation with its external and internal partners.
With a record of more than 10 kilometers of core analysis, the unit has extracted the reservoir characteristics of some of the world’s largest oil and gas fields and created an extensive database of reservoir characteristics.
The aforementioned capabilities enable the R&D team of the company to provide basic solutions to production problems and consequently, increase the hydrocarbon production.
MAPSA core analysis laboratory can implement the following operations

- Routine Core Analysis (RCAL)
- Special Core Analysis (SCAL)
- Formation Damage Analysis
- Acidizing Analysis
- QC of Acidizing Chemicals
- Enhanced/Improved Oil Recovery analysis
- Geochemistry Analysis
- Advanced Petroleum Geomechanics Laboratory
- Reservoir Geology studies
- Research and Development
- Consultancy Services
- Training
Why MAPSA’s Laboratory
- More than 12000m Core Analysis Experience
- Grade 1 in Consultancy
- Knowledge Based Company
- ISO 17025
- Time and Cost Management
- Ability to carry out all Rock test chain
- Expert and Educated Man Power
- Equipped by Modern , High Qualified and Unique Equipment
- Ability to Manufacturer Modern Equipment in Reverse Engineering
- Patenting our research findings
- Partnership with COREX and PANTERRA